What’s at our core as a church? What makes us who we are? We think those are important questions, and the answers are just as important. At ALIVE! we have 4 core values that shape everything we do as a church.
1. Faithfulness and Obedience to God’s Word.
At Alive Community Church we have the highest regard for God’s Word. God’s Word as revealed to us in the Old and New Testaments is our final authority in matters of faith and life. We believe that Scripture is without error and is God’s truth for all people in all times and places. We faithfully seek to interpret and apply the truth of Scripture in everything that we do as a church.
2. Prayer
Alive Community Church is a community of prayer where we seek God individually and corporately. Through prayer, we learn what it means to seek after God’s heart; how to understand and interpret God’s Word; how to trust God; how to hear from God; and how to minister to one another as we pray together and for one another. Prayer is at the heart of who we are and what we do at ALIVE!
3. Koinonia-Building Community
Alive Community Church believes that people are the pinnacle of God’s creation. Each person is created male or female in his image, and has limitless worth and value in His eyes. We want Alive to be a place where people know that they are welcome to come as they are, receive and give love, and where deep relationships of encouragement and accountability are built as we seek to walk obediently together with Jesus Christ. In Christ, the community that we have with other sons and daughters of the King is a gift of the Holy Spirit that doesn’t exist apart from The Church of Jesus Christ. This community is marked by a collective pursuit of God and setting aside of our own desires and preferences for the sake of others.
4. Expectation
Alive Community Church is a community where we prayerfully expect to see spiritual and numerical growth. God’s desire is for His Church to grow in numbers and in depth as we seek to become like Jesus. ALIVE! is a community where excellence is valued. Excellence in ministry honors God and inspires people. God is worthy of the very best that we have to offer.